PICK-UP IS MONDAY APRIL 14th AT THE ANDOVER RINK between 5:30pm-7:30pm
shelton information
- Frozen Pizzas, Brats, Beef Sticks, etc
- $5 credit per pizza sold and $4 credit per brat or beef stick pack sold, other items vary in their credit amount
- Total credits will be applied to any open balance on your account OR refunded to your card/account on file if you have paid in full
- Sales must be tracked on the Fundraiser Form which can be found above
- All checks should be made out to the SELLER and then the seller turns in one check made out to "HTH" (cash is also accepted)
- Forms/Money should be turned in at the Andover Ice Arena to our mailbox. Our mailbox is located in the elevator area which is right across from the Crooked Lake Creamery Concession Stand.
puffins pastry info
- Frozen Pastries that go from freezer to oven
- $5/credit per pack sold
- Total credits will be applied to any open balance on your account OR refunded to your card/account on file if you have paid in full
- All checks should be made out to "HTH" or "Hometown Hockey MN"
- Forms/Money should be turned in at the Andover Ice Arena to our mailbox. Our mailbox is located in the elevator area which is right across from the Crooked Lake Creamery Concession Stand.
2 Options for Sales (Puffins ONLY):
- Track orders on the Fundraiser Form which can be found above
- Collect orders/payments in your personal "online store" (you will receive an email with this info soon)
- You still need to deliver ALL orders even if they are received online. The company does NOT deliver individual orders so make sure that anyone that orders online is someone that you personally can deliver the orders to.
- DO NOT enter orders that you personally take on paper into the online store. The online store is only for individuals that are placing their own order....not for you to enter orders into.
- You ARE able to do orders both in-person on the form and online. The orders will be combined for pick-up.